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1 majii  Oct 9, 2013 6:11:25pm

Chris Christie doesn’t give a damn that some of NJ’s less fortunate women are going without much-needed healthcare because his wife has a private physician that she can get a prescription for get birth control from and anything else she needs. If he thinks he can take this record of rejecting healthcare funding for low income women with him should he run in 2016, he’s nuts. He will lose the votes of a majority of women, the same way Romney/Ryan did.

2 nines09  Oct 9, 2013 6:57:23pm

“Compassionate Conservatism.” Yo. CC. How’s that rebranding going? The (R) after his name is all you need to know. He cudda bin sumbuddy.

3 HappyWarrior  Oct 9, 2013 7:38:20pm

Christie sucks but he puts on a good face and he’ll unfortunately cruise to re-election. Fortunately but also unfortunately for New Jerseyians, he’s not going anywhere beyond that.

4 Tigger2  Oct 9, 2013 8:28:41pm

And people call Christie a moderate, he’s nothing but a teabagger that hides better.

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